Master English Speaking (Session 03)

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Prime Objective:

The primary objective of this worksheet is to help students develop and enhance their speaking skills by preparing and delivering a structured monologue about a tourist attraction they have visited. Through this activity, students will practice organizing their thoughts, using descriptive language, and presenting confidently to an audience.

Activity Worksheet: Describing a Tourist Attraction


Prepare and deliver a monologue about a tourist attraction you have visited.

Part 1: Brainstorming

Think about a tourist attraction you have visited. Answer the following questions to help you prepare your monologue:

Name of the Tourist Attraction:

What is the name of the place?

When You Visited It?

When did you go there? (e.g., last summer, two years ago)

Where It Is Situated:

Where is this place located? (e.g., country, city, specific area)

Who You Went With:

Who accompanied you on this trip? (e.g., family, friends, alone)

What You Liked the Most:

What was the highlight of your visit? Why did you enjoy it the most?

Part 2: Structuring Your Monologue

Use your answers from Part 1 to structure your monologue. Follow the outline below:


Start with a brief introduction to the place.

Mention when you visited and where it is situated.


“I once visited the Grand Canyon, which is situated in Arizona, USA. I went there last summer with my family.”

Main Body:

Describe the place in more detail.

Mention any specific features or attractions you saw.


“The Grand Canyon is a massive and stunningly beautiful gorge carved by the Colorado River over millions of years. We walked along the South Rim, admiring the vast expanse and the various shades of red and orange in the rock formations.”

Personal Experience:

Share what you did there and who you were with.

Describe your favorite part of the visit and why it was special.


“We spent hours walking along the trails, taking in the majestic scenery. My favorite part was the view from the South Rim. The sheer scale of the canyon is overwhelming, and the colors at sunset were unforgettable.”


Sum up your experience in a few sentences.

Mention why this place is memorable to you.


“Overall, visiting the Grand Canyon was an awe-inspiring experience. The breathtaking views and the sense of peace I felt there made it a trip I’ll never forget.”

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