Continuing with Object-Oriented Programming in C++
This session expands upon the initial concepts of OOP covered in the previous class. We will delve into more advanced features of Object-Oriented Programming in C++, including inheritance, polymorphism, and abstract classes.
Objectives of This Session
– Understand and implement inheritance in C++.
– Explore the concept of polymorphism and how it enhances flexibility.
– Introduction to abstract classes and interfaces.
1. Inheritance
A mechanism in which one class acquires the properties (methods and fields) of another. With inheritance, we can create a new class based on an existing class.
– Single Inheritance: Deriving a new class from one base class.
– Multiple Inheritance: Deriving a new class from more than one base class.
– Syntax:
class Base {
void baseFunction() {
cout << “Function of Base Class”;
class Derived : public Base { };
int main() {
Derived obj;
obj.baseFunction(); // Calling function of base class using derived class
2. Polymorphism
The ability of a message to be displayed in more than one form. In C++, it is achieved by method overriding and operator overloading.
Method Overriding:
– Happens when a derived class has a definition for one of the member functions of the base class. That base function is redefined in the derived class.
class Base {
virtual void show() { // Note the virtual keyword
cout << “Base class show function called.”;
class Derived : public Base {
void show() {
cout << “Derived class show function called.”;
int main() {
Base* basePtr;
Derived d;
basePtr = &d;
basePtr->show(); // Points to Derived’s show()
3. Abstract Classes and Interfaces
Abstract Classes:
– Cannot be instantiated and are typically used as base classes.
– Must have at least one pure virtual function.
class Abstract {
virtual void f() = 0; // Pure virtual function
class Concrete : public Abstract {
void f() {
cout << “Function f implemented.”;
int main() {
Concrete c;
c.f(); // Calls Concrete’s f()
– An interface in C++ is a class with only pure virtual functions and no data members.
4. Practical Examples
Implementing an Interface:
class Shape {
virtual void draw() = 0; // Pure virtual function, making Shape an interface
class Circle : public Shape {
void draw() {
cout << “Drawing Circle.”;
int main() {
Circle c;
c.draw(); // Calls Circle’s draw()
5. Getting Started with Learning
– [Code With Harry for learning C++] (https://bit.ly/4b3XLUy)
– [W3 Schools for learning C++] (https://www.w3schools.com/cpp/)
In this session, we have expanded your understanding of OOP in C++ by exploring inheritance, polymorphism, and abstract classes. These concepts are crucial for designing flexible and reusable code in larger software projects.