Join our Digital Entrepreneurship Bootcamp to explore the world of online selling and branding. Learn to create, manage, and optimize your own online business, delving into the realm of social commerce.
From selecting the right platform to mastering marketing strategies, including Facebook marketing, and leveraging freelancing sites like Fiverr and UpWork, this course equips you with the tools to navigate the dynamic landscape of the e-business world.
Grow the potential of your digital skills and turn your entrepreneurial dreams into thriving online ventures.
Format: On-campus
Days: Every Sunday
Time: 5 PM – 7 PM
Fee: Rs.100 /Per Session
Starting from: 12th May 2024
Course Outline
- Launching Your Online Empire: The Basics of E-Commerce & Entrepreneurship.
- Agenda: Introduction to the e-commerce landscape, history, and potential for entrepreneurs, an overview of the course, setting goals and expectations.
- Market Mastery: Validating Your Business Idea and Understanding Your Audience.
- Agenda: Techniques for validating business ideas, conducting effective market research, and identifying target demographics.
- Blueprint for Success: Crafting Your E-Commerce Business Model and Plan.
- Agenda: Business model options for e-commerce, creating a business plan, understanding different e-commerce platforms.
- Setting the Stage: Choosing the Right E-Commerce Platform and Domain.
- Agenda: Evaluating and selecting e-commerce platforms, purchasing a domain, setting up hosting.
- Customizing Your Online Storefront: Themes, Templates, and User Experience.
- Agenda: Designing the store layout, selecting themes and templates, basics of user experience (UX).
- Product Procurement and Logistics: Building a Streamlined Supply Chain.
- Agenda: Understanding supply chain management, sourcing products, inventory management, dealing with suppliers.
- The Art of Selling Online: Crafting Compelling Content and Product Descriptions.
- Agenda: Writing engaging product descriptions, content marketing strategies, photography and multimedia use.
- Social Commerce: Leveraging Social Media for Brand Awareness and Sales.
- Agenda: Social media strategies for e-commerce, choosing platforms, creating content, engaging with the community.
- Customer First: Building a 5-Star Customer Service Strategy.
- Agenda: Importance of customer service, setting up support channels, managing customer expectations, handling disputes.
- Decoding Data: Utilizing Analytics for E-Commerce Success.
- Agenda: Introduction to analytics, monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs), using data for decision-making.
- Conversion Mastery: Tactics for Turning Visitors into Customers.
- Agenda: Techniques for increasing conversion rates, A/B testing, checkout process optimization.
- Growth Strategies: Scaling Your Business for Long-Term Success.
- Agenda: Expansion strategies, scaling logistics, entering new markets, diversifying product lines.