Banner Development

Shape Image One

Abdul Rehman Khan


Over the course of intensive training, in this bootcamp, you’ll learn the ins and outs of creating captivating and interactive banners using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Led by industry professional Abdul Rehman Khan, you’ll delve into Google Web Design principles and learn how to design banners for websites. Whether you’re a beginner looking to break into the field of web design or a seasoned developer seeking to expand your skill set, this boot camp is tailored to meet your needs.

Join us and unlock the creative potential of HTML banner development, and take your web design skills to the next level!

Format: On-campus
Every Sunday
Time: 12 PM – 3 PM
Fee: Rs.100 /Per Session
Starting from:  12th May 2024

Course Outline

  • Overview of Google Web Designer.
  • Importance of interactive web content in the industry.
  • Understanding the role of Google Web Designer in web development.
  • Navigating the workspace.
  • Understanding panels and toolbars.
  • Drawing tools for creating shapes and graphics, text tools for adding and formatting text.
  • Asset management and importing media.
  • Keyframe animation techniques.
    Adding interactivity with events and actions.
  • Creating responsive layouts with breakpoints, designing for various screen sizes and devices.
  • Working with 3D objects and transformations.
  • Using the timeline for precise animation control.
  • Integrating custom code for enhanced functionality.
  • Advertising and marketing campaigns, creating interactive banners and rich media ads.
  • Optimizing assets for web delivery, implementing SEO best practices.
  • Ensuring accessibility compliance for diverse audiences.
  • Collaborating with other team members.
  • Integrating Google Web Designer with other tools and platforms.
  • Understanding the importance of interactive content in modern web design and exploring industry trends.

  • Analyzing successful projects and campaigns.
  • Examining best practices and design principles.
  • Drawing inspiration from industry leaders.
  • Applying learned skills to create a final project.
  • Building a portfolio of work to showcase expertise.
  • Review of key concepts and skills covered, reflection on personal growth, resources for continued learning.
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