GAME DESIGN: Coding Adventure for Kids
Empower your child through our engaging Game Design for Kids course. Designed to make coding fun and accessible, this course introduces young minds to the fundamentals of programming through interactive projects and games. Your child will develop problem-solving skills, logical thinking, and creativity as they embark on a journey to create their own digital worlds.
Ignite a lifelong passion for technology and equip your child with the skills they need for success in the digital age.
Format: On-campus
Day:Every Sunday
Time: 3 PM – 5 PM
Age Criteria: 08 – 16 years old
Duration: 2 Months
Fee: Rs. 1,000
Course Outline
Focus: Getting familiar with Scratch interface and basic programming concepts.
Important Terms:
- Scratch: A visual programming language developed by MIT Media Lab designed to introduce coding concepts to beginners.
- Sprite: A character or object in Scratch projects that can perform actions.
- Script: A collection of blocks in Scratch that controls the behaviour of sprites.
- Outcome: Learners will create a simple project manipulating sprites to move and interact.
Focus: Exploring how to control sprite motion and add sound.
Important Terms:
- Coordinates: X and Y values that determine a sprite’s position on the stage.
- Loop: A programming construct that repeats a block of code multiple times.
- Outcome: Create a musical project where sprites move in patterns and play sounds.
Focus: Understanding how to change the appearance of sprites and use events to control the flow of a project.
Important Terms:
- Broadcast: Sending a message that triggers scripts in sprites.
- Event: An action that causes something to happen in the project.
- Outcome: Develop an interactive story where characters change appearance and respond to user input.
Focus: Learning to use sensing blocks and operators for more interactive projects.
Important Terms:
- Sensing: Blocks that detect various factors like sprite positions, user input, etc.
- Operators: Blocks that perform mathematical and logical operations.
- Outcome: Create a simple game that reacts to the user’s input and keeps score.
Focus: Introduction to variables for storing information and basic game design principles.
Important Terms:
- Variable: A storage location named by an identifier containing quantitative information.
- Game Design: The art of applying design and aesthetics to create a game.
- Outcome: Design a game that uses variables to track points and levels.
Focus: Enhancing user interaction through more complex scripts and game mechanics.
Important Terms:
- Conditional Statements: Blocks that perform different actions based on conditions.
- Feedback Loop: A mechanism to provide users with feedback on their actions.
- Outcome: Develop a game with different levels of difficulty and immediate feedback on actions.
Focus: Applying learned skills to start a final project, with guidance and brainstorming.
Outcome: Begin development on a final project incorporating all the learned concepts.
Focus: Finalizing projects and presenting them to the group.
Outcome: Complete a final project demonstrating the skills acquired throughout the course. Share projects with the group for feedback and celebration.