Advanced Excel Logic
Advanced Logic: IF
The IF formula is a powerful tool in Excel that allows you to make decisions based on conditions. Here’s a breakdown with a picture:
=IF(Logical_Test, Value_if_True, Value_if_False)
- Logical_Test: This is a comparison or expression that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE. (e.g., A1>B1)
- Value_if_True: The result displayed if the Logical_Test is TRUE.
- Value_if_False: The result displayed if the Logical_Test is FALSE.
A | B | C |
Score | Pass Mark (70) | Result |
85 | =IF(A2>B1, “Pass”, “Fail”) | |
60 | =IF(A3>B1, “Pass”, “Fail”) |
- Logical_Test (A2>B1): Checks if the score in cell A2 is greater than the pass mark in B1.
- Value_if_True (“Pass”): If TRUE, “Pass” is displayed in cell C2.
- Value_if_False (“Fail”): If FALSE, “Fail” is displayed in cell C2.
Additional Notes:
- You can use cell references, values, or even other formulas within the IF statement.
- You can nest IF statements for more complex conditions (e.g., IF nested within another IF).
- Use the Formula Help (Fx button) for detailed information on the IF function.
- Search online for “[Excel IF formula] + example” to find tutorials with pictures for advanced IF scenarios.
Video Link: #StingTasteBhiTezBhi (
Advanced Logic: IFS
- IFS is a newer and more efficient way to handle multiple conditions compared to nested IF statements.
- It evaluates a series of conditions and returns the value corresponding to the first TRUE condition.
=IFS(Logical_Test1, Value_if_True1, Logical_Test2, Value_if_True2, …)
- You can add up to 127 pairs of conditions and results (logical_test, value_if_true).
- Easier to read and understand than nested IFs, especially with many conditions.
- Reduces the risk of errors caused by complex nesting.
Imagine you have a sales target in cell B1 and a commission rate structure:
- Exceed target by 10% or more: 10% commission (cell C1)
- Meet target exactly: 5% commission (cell C2)
- Below target: 0% commission (cell C3)
Using IFS:
=IFS(A1>(B1*1.1), A1*C1, A1=B1, A1*C2, TRUE, 0) **Formula in cell D2**
- Logical_Test1: Checks if sales (A1) exceed target by 10% (B1*1.1).
- Value_if_True1: If TRUE, calculates commission (A1*C1) based on the higher rate (C1).
- Logical_Test2: Checks if sales (A1) meet the target (B1) exactly.
- Value_if_True2: If TRUE, calculates commission (A1*C2) based on the standard rate (C2).
- Final catch-all: Since IFS requires pairs, the last TRUE argument ensures a 0 commission for any other scenario.
- Use the Formula Help (Fx button) for detailed information on the IFS function.
- Search online for “[Excel IFS formula] + example” to find tutorials with more complex scenarios.
Remember, IFS promotes clear and efficient handling of conditional logic in your Excel spreadsheets.
Video Link: (456) How to use the IFS function in Microsoft Excel – YouTube