Microsoft Office (Session 09)

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Goal Seek

Goal Seek is a handy feature in Excel that helps you work backwards to achieve a desired outcome. It’s like having a built-in “what-if” scenario planner.

The Goal:
  • Specify the target value you want to achieve in a specific cell (e.g., total sales reaching $10,000).
The Variable:

Select the cell containing the value you can adjust to influence the outcome (e.g., number of units sold).

Behind the Scenes:

Goal Seek automatically adjusts the variable cell’s value until the formula in your target cell reaches your desired outcome.


Find the Missing Piece:

Identify the input value needed to achieve a specific goal.

Sensitivity Analysis:

See how changes in one variable impact the final result.

Set Sales Targets:

Plan sales figures by setting a target and adjusting units sold.

How to Use Goal Seek:

Data Setup:

Ensure you have a formula in the cell containing your target value.

Goal Seek Menu:

Go to the Data tab > What-If Analysis > Goal Seek.

Set Cell:

Enter the cell reference of your target value.

To Value:

Type the desired outcome you want to achieve.

By Changing Cell:

Select the cell containing the variable value you want to adjust.

Click OK:

Excel will find the adjusted variable value that reaches your target.


Goal Seek works best for single variable problems with well-defined formulas. For complex scenarios, consider using Excel’s Solver add-in.

Video Link: (456) How to create a Pivot Table in Excel – YouTube

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