Microsoft Office

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Muhammad Ahmed


Develop essential skills in data management and analysis through our Office Productivity Course. Master spreadsheet functions, create complex data models, and enhance your proficiency in handling data for both personal and professional applications, covering Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and more.

Unlock the potential of Office tools and streamline your tasks, making informed decisions with confidence.

Format: On-campus
Days:  Every Sunday
Time: 12 PM – 3 PM
Fee: Rs.100 /Per Session
Starting from: 12th May 2024

Course Outline

  • Introduction to Excel Interface and Navigation
  • Data Entry, Copy, Pasting, Formatting and Inserting and deleting rows and columns.
  • Basic Formulas and Functions (SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, COUNT, SUBTOTAL, TODAY)
  • Page Layout and Printing & Saving Options.
  • Q&A along with practical examples (Monthly Expense Sheet)
  •  Lookup functions (VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP & XLOOKUP)
  •  Text functions (LEFT, RIGHT, CONCATENATE)
  •  Data Validation, Protection, Conditional Formatting and Sorting
  •  Q&A along with practical examples (Application of above Formulas on Large Data Set)
  •  Advanced Logics (IF, IFS, SUMIF, SUMIFS, COUNTIFS)
  •  Advanced Formulas (INDEX and MATCH, UNIQUE)
  •  Q&A along with practical examples (Application of above Formulas on Large Data Set)
  •  Introduction to PivotTables and Pivot Charts
  •  Data Preparation for Pivot Tables using Get Data
  • Creating Pivot Tables, Data Analysis and Interpretation.
  •  Goal Seek for Optimization
  • Group / Ungroup and Subtotal
  •  Interactive Dashboards
  • Q&A along with practical examples (Feasibility Report for Business)
  • Getting Started with Microsoft Word
  • Advanced Formatting Techniques
  • Document Review, Customization and Collaboration.
  • Drafting Letters and Building Resume
  • Q&A along with practical examples (Resume making using Linkedin)
  • Creating and formatting professional presentations
  • Designing effective slide layouts and transitions.
  • Presentation delivery techniques and tips for engaging an audience.
  • Q&A along with practical examples
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