NEW Digital Entrepreneurship – Tahir Madni, 12 sessions

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  1. May 12th, 2024

    Introduction to E-Commerce and Entrepreneurship

    Explore the e-commerce landscape, its history, and potential for entrepreneurs. This session provides an overview of the course, sets goals and expectations, and introduces you to the exciting opportunities in digital entrepreneurship.

  2. May 19th, 2024

    Idea Validation and Market Research

    Learn techniques for validating business ideas, conducting effective market research, and identifying target demographics. This session equips you with the skills to ensure your business concept is viable and tailored to your audience.

  3. May 26th, 2024

    Business Model and Planning

    Understand various business model options for e-commerce and how to create a business plan. This session covers different e-commerce platforms, helping you choose the best structure for your online business.

  4. June 2nd, 2024

    Setting Up Your E-Commerce Business - Part 1

    Evaluate and select the right e-commerce platforms, purchase a domain, and set up hosting. This session provides practical guidance on establishing your online store’s technical foundation.

  5. June 9th, 2024

    Setting Up Your E-Commerce Business - Part 2

    Design your store layout by selecting themes and templates while focusing on user experience (UX). This session introduces you to the basics of creating an attractive and user-friendly online store.

  6. June 16th, 2024

    Product Sourcing and Supply Chain Management

    Understand supply chain management, sourcing products, and inventory management. This session covers dealing with suppliers and ensuring your products are available to meet customer demand.

  7. June 23rd, 2024

    Creating Compelling Content and Product Descriptions

    Master writing engaging product descriptions and content marketing strategies. This session emphasizes the importance of photography and multimedia in showcasing your products effectively.

  8. June 30th, 2024

    Social Media Marketing for E-Commerce

    Develop social media strategies for e-commerce, choose the right platforms, create compelling content, and engage with your community. This session helps you leverage social media to boost your online presence.

  9. July 7th, 2024

    Customer Service Excellence in E-Commerce

    Learn the importance of customer service, setting up support channels, managing customer expectations, and handling disputes. This session ensures you can provide excellent service to retain and satisfy customers.

  10. July 14th, 2024

    Analytics and Performance Monitoring

    Get introduced to analytics and monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs). This session teaches you how to use data for decision-making, helping you track and improve your e-commerce performance.

  11. July 21st, 2024

    Conversion Rate Optimization

    Discover techniques for increasing conversion rates through A/B testing and checkout process optimization. This session focuses on practical methods to enhance your store’s efficiency and profitability.

  12. July 28th, 2024

    Scaling Your E-Commerce Business

    Learn expansion strategies, scaling logistics, entering new markets, and diversifying product lines. This session prepares you to grow your business and explore new opportunities in the digital marketplace.

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